Monday, 8 October 2007

Much ado about sex

Now sex comes in different forms: there's Pure sex-which is sex between married couples; Adulterated sex- which is sex between two spouses from different marriages, or one married partner and a single partner; Pre-marital sex- sex between partners who are unmarried.

Sometimes i ask myself,would the world would be a better place, if we all stuck to pure sex? Is it really possible to abstain from sex until marriage?(for both men and women), is it possible to remain loyal and faithful to your spouse till death do you part?

Apart from the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, sex in any other form but its pure form is always damaging be it psychological, emotional, spiritual or physical.

Sex is a form of bonding which should be shared with only one other person (your spouse)as long as you both live. Outside this, one can never fully experience the true fulfilment that goes along with it.

So why do we human beings deliberately close our minds to the right way of living and embrace ugliness and unhappiness, then turn around beat ourselves and cry and say that the world is a wicked place. When truly, we are responsible for evrything.

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