Wednesday 14 November 2007

Sometime in the Future

Sometime in the future, probably sixty or more years from now with half my teeth down the drain , I want to be able to smile and thank God.

There will so much to be thankful for. For my children, my grandchildren, my great-grand children, their spouses and their spouses' families.

I may not have doctors, or lawyers or engineers or bankers in my family. but everyone would be fulfilled and happy in whatever they have chosen to do with their life.

I would thank God for blessing my life with them, and for using me to bless them as they in turn will also bless others.

I would be thankful for every argument we had, every tear that we shed, and every laugh that we shared. For memories good and bad, because they strengthen bonds and make us understand each other more.

And above all, I will be most thankful for my husband, my friend, my love, my partner, my equal, my soul mate, my pillar, my strength, my companion, and my confidante; whom I have shared my life with and whose life I have in turn shared in.

I would look at my family and say, life is certainly worth living, when you have love.